Learn Python Projects with Source Code
Everything you need to know about Getting Started with Python Code
Walk through on the first steps to set up your computer to be ready to write Python code. How to install Python on a Mac and Windows Machine. How to set up and prepare your code editor for writing Python Code.
Introduction to setting up your machine to write Python Code
Mac OS and Windows install and Setup of Python
Editor Setup for Coding Python.
Fundamentals of Coding with Python
Python uses indentation and how it works is that the indentation indicates a block of code. In Python indentation is very important.
Commenting in Python Code Multi line comments
Python Code Variables How to create variables and use them in code
Python Data Types Strings Integers Booleans Lists Sets Dictionaries
How to get the User input in the terminal and assign it to a variable
Project - Python Calculator
Project - Favorite Number Messages
Python How to apply logic with conditions
Project - Code bouncer allowed in or not?
Coding Loops and iterations while and for
Python Project Number Guessing Game
How Python Functions work
What is Python Lambda and how it works
Python Function Scope.
Python built in Methods
How to use Python Modules Create your own modules to use in your code
Coding Projects to you can create with Python
Get coding and creating simple projects with Python to practice what you've learned and develop your skills
Python Coding Project Countdown timer code
Python Coding Project Dice game in Python highest roll wins
Python Coding Project Rock Paper Scissors Python coding Game
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